Whether you’re a fan of camping or not, we all know what tents are and what they do. A cheap, easy way to be protected from the elements for a night, or even a whole holiday should you so wish; tents can become a home away from home and be a very affordable way of seeing the country, or even other parts of the world.However, what many people don’t realize is how much choice there is when it comes to buying a tent. There are huge choices of different tents that you can find, and almost like deciding on a house or a car, you can pick a tent for your camping holiday that suits both your practical needs, but also reflects your personality in the best possible way.
So what kinds of tents are there? Let’s look at three popular choices:

 1) Festival tents

 You’re more standard style of tent, the kind you take to a festival or even a general camping trip and the most common type you can find. You put these up using poles and dig them into the ground with pegs. These are highly reliable and easy to put up – as long as you know how or can carefully follow instructions!

 You can find festival tents in all shapes and sizes – whether you want one to yourself or are going to share with a group of four, five or even six of your friends. You can find festival tents in a range of colors to help it stand out. They are also highly durable, reliable and lightweight so it won’t be too painful to carry those long distances across your campsite.

 2) Pop-up tents

 A great option if you aren’t experienced at putting up tents or have just never been able to get to grips with doing so; pop-up tents can literally take shape within seconds. This means you don’t have to spend hours figuring out how you are going to be spending the night in something that at least half-resembles the picture on the wrapping.

 Pop-up tents are great if you are only going away for a night or two, or if you need to move around regularly and don’t want to spend lots of time setting up camp. Don’t let that fool you into thinking they aren’t strong though – pop-up tents are very durable and give excellent protection from the elements.

 3) Novelty tents

 A great way to stand-out from the crowds, especially if you are planning on using it at a festival; a novelty tent can really help reflect your personality. Eccentric and loud, you can find them in a range of styles to really help you make a statement in the campsite.

 From life-size Volkswagen Camper Van style tents to ‘dog houses’ and more, you’re sure to the one that everyone is talking about and you’re bound to make a load of new friends, whether you’re on a camping holiday or at a music festival.

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